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ESU 51967
Adapter board 21MTC for 8 amplified outputs
Weitere Produkte von ESU
The 21 MTC adapter board is suitable for digitising a loco without interface and for the case you do not intend to wire the decoder freely.
The adapter board offers a possibility for installing a decoder with 21MTC connector. This decoder is simply plugged onto the board. At the other end 21 annular rings make a clean wiring of your loco possible. A neat conversion can be made via this adapter board and enables you to use all additional functions of the 21MTC connector (e.g. loud speaker outputs).
Dimensions: Length 22.0mm x 17.0mm (With mounting tab: 27.0mm x 17.0mm)
Auf Lager
8,53 €
Preis wurde um 15% wegen der Ausfuhr aus der Europäischen Union ermässigt. Falls Sie in ein EU-Land bestellen möchten, klicken sie hier